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Sprouts Gardening

in Lawton, OK is where Gramma GiGi, Mom MiMi, grandkids Kitty & Bubba, and kitties JoeJoe, Hades, & Bandit celebrate their love for nature. Every family deserves happiness in their backyard with our gardening expertise. Team led by GiGi and MiMi helps cultivate beauty and tranquility. Join us for sweet moments in life, even Gato Joe Joe, Gato Hades, and Gato Bandit love the garden. #cats #kitty #gardening #family #LawtonOklahoma #SweetLife

Last updated February 18th, 2025 @4:20 p.m.

Meet MiMi

Meet Kitty & Bubba

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Meet GiGi

A few gardening sites and blogs we like, and would like to share.

  1. Maria won Brincken Landscape Garden Design

  2. University of Washington Botanic Gardens Blog

  3. Red Dirt Ramblings

Meet the Cats

High Times With GiGi.Sprouts at Instagram

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